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When you work together with us, we will guide you through the innovation process step by step. For us it does not matter if you have little or a lot of knowledge about Internet of Things, Product development, Hardware, Sensors etc.
You are expert in your field and we are in ours, which will always lead to a fruitful collaboration.

We use this page to share knowledge, findings and experiments with everyone, no matter what your background is.

In case you miss a specific topic or if you have a specific question, just reach out to us.

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Modular multifunctional smart sensor

Many sensory and/or IoT issues have the same components. In addition to connectivity and battery, there is one

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Smart sensor or Smart measurement?

If you google “smart sensor” today, you won't get much further than your home automation solution. What many do not know is that much more is possible for the business market than wireless push-button switching.

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Internet of Things

IoT is a nice abbreviation and a container concept. What is it actually?

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